When Partner's Don't Show Their Emotions

“I just want to know what they are feeling!” is often a comment from women in my therapy office.
Frustrated. Unsure of what is happening for their partner. And feeling disconnected and alone.
This is not an easy space to be in.
The challenge?
We all learn to experience and express emotions differently. Moreover, we must recognize that for heterosexual relationships, men and women are socialized differently when it comes to their emotions. Not only do I see this clinically with couples and male clients, but I also continued to see it with the interactions of others with my children. When my daughter would fall down, comfort and validation from soft voices were provided. And for my son? “Brush it off! You’ve got this.” From these well-intentioned statements, what we implicitly teach boys is that the more “negative” emotions are not to be felt – and to carry on.
This creates a challenge in many heterosexual relationships, as one partner is longing to know how the other person is doing.
I received this question:
“How can I help my partner share their feelings with me? I know there is something going on for them, but I don’t know what to do.”
This video was initially shared on Instagram, and so the orientation is in portrait mode.
Some ways you may address this with your partner:
- Ask open ended questions
- Validate your partner sharing with you
- Have a conversation about how your partner understands emotions
- Share your need with your partner
When was the last time you felt like a team? Does it feel like you are more distant from your partner?I know your relationship is important to you, which is why I would love to support you in Be Connected.
In my program, I help you:
- Look at your partner and remember why you said YES. Why you chose to spend your life together
- Work through hard moments and family challenges side by side, and be able to say to each other "we got this!"
- Come home and not fear having the next fight or getting the cold shoulder
- Have meaningful discussions with each other that do not devolve into blame and hurt
I will give you a step-by-step plan to help you strengthen your relationship.
Dr. Tracy
Remember, the information on this site is for information purposes only and does not substitute the care from a licensed mental healthcare provider.