Cultivating Awareness and Self-Compassion To Go From Stressed to Balanced
Are you feeling burnt out?
You feel overwhelmed and not sure where to start.
You have too much time online, but don’t see how you could change.
You lack excitement and normal pleasures and outlets you once had.
You know you need a holiday but what and where with all of the restrictions?
You are trying to find meaning and purpose in all of the chaos.
If you can relate to any of these, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Whether you are a professional woman, a mother balancing the role of work and family, or a mother staying at home, Beyond Burnout helps women learn to balance the demands in their life while still showing up authentically and courageously.
This powerful 5-session e-course is not just another stress management session. We skip the fluff and get right to the heart of the matter. Our approach is grounded in the latest science of psychotherapy. We break it down it down for you in a practical step-by-step approach that is flexible to you and your busy life.
You will learn how to cultivate skills of self-compassion and awareness that will give you the power to deal with your really hard thoughts, feelings, and difficulties that show up in your life. You will learn to manage your inner critic so you can shift from striving to thriving.
We will deep dive into how you can live with greater confidence and ease, and help you implement powerful and practical strategies for making the transformations you need to live your best life.
Session Topics
Session 1: Showing Up To Life
This session will set the foundation for making small changes in your everyday life to truly thrive. You will learn what being present means and does not mean, doing vs. being mode and why you need to practice the ‘being mode’ more often. You’ll leave this session with simple yet powerful strategies for building in more moments of ‘being’ that will enhance your focus and help you thrive in your busy life.
Session 2: Becoming Your Dearest Friend
Session 2 is a game changer. You will leave this session with a tool that has been called a superpower – kindness toward yourself (we know kindness works at influencing others…well guess what, it works for you too!). You will learn how to support yourself in difficult moments and to motivate yourself toward making tough changes you want with kindness rather than criticism. The top executives, athletes, and performers around the world are discovering this impactful tool! In one single session, you will have the recipe to use this skill to become the best version of yourself.
Session 3: Freeing Yourself From Your Inner Critic
Most of us have an inner critic – that voice that we are not good enough (impostor syndrome, anyone?), or that let’s us know that we have messed up! This session will help you get unstuck from your thoughts by teaching you simple tools for not believing your thoughts. You will walk away from this session with reclaimed control of your mind, allowing you to live a more satisfying life.
Session 4: Finding Your Way Through Uncertainty
We all crave certainty in life and yet control is an illusion. You will leave this session with greater clarity in the choices you make in your life. We introduce a step-by-step guide, a powerful tool that you will be able to use in any situation. This tool will help make decisions about what to do that is truly in alignment with what matters most to you, helping you to take important steps toward living your best self.
Session 5: Cultivating Resilience
Life is filled with challenges. In this session, you will learn what you need to put in place in your life to weather the storms of this human existence. You will leave the session having identified your particular stress and arousal levels and an action plan for what you need to do to resource yourself to become more resilient.
Each session comes with worksheets to help you put the skills we are teaching into action. PLUS, these bonus exercises:
- Bonus #1: The Mindful Breath. A powerful audio exercise that will help you shift from DOING to BEING. This exercise is focused on helping you develop a different relationship with your thoughts and feelings.
- Bonus #2: Self-Compassion Break. We are incredibly hard on ourselves - but kind to our friends. This powerful audio exercise will help you become your own dearest friend.
- Bonus #3: Leaves on Stream. Your inner critic is likely part of what drove you to experience burnout. This audio exercise will help you learn to let go of your loud inner critic.
- Bonus #4: Your Guide to a Resilient You. Our top strategies to help you resource yourself and become more resilient.
- Bonus #5: The Matrix. This powerful tool will help you get UNSTUCK - because we know that change is hard and getting stuck is often what stops us from making meaningful and lasting changes.

You can download the exercises on multiple devices so you can do them anywhere.

You will have lifetime access to the material and any updates and bonuses that we add.

We are happy to offer a payment plan over three months. Please contact us for details.
As a mother, a diligent professional, sister, friend, daughter, and more, I found myself in the precarious position of trying to be everything to everyone. My boundaries were becoming more malleable by the minute, and my stress and guilt levels were accelerating to an all-time high.
Something had to give. I registered for the e-course by Dr. Tracy and Dr. Julie, and I’m so grateful that I did. From the first session, I became more aware of how much I was doing, where I was putting my energy, and how I was ultimately feeling overall. If you’re a woman (like me!) who is sometimes prone to should-ing all over yourself, Dr. Tracy and Dr. Julie show us how to be more compassionate with our inner critic. The activities designed with busy schedules in mind, being able to watch the course videos remotely removes obstacles to showing up for yourself. I highly recommend this program!
- Rosie, Ottawa, ON
It was such an honour to attend and be a part of Dr. Tracy's and Dr. Julie's inaugural e-course! I would highly recommend this course for everyone, from the multi-tasking professional and the stretched-too-far parent.
Both women are leaders and pioneers, and their course was engaging and thoughtfully designed. I left each week with new tools and insights that I can leverage in my day-to-day. I wear many hats in my life and have become accustomed to living much of my days on 'autopilot'. Dr. Tracy and Dr. Julie remind you it is okay to slow down, take care of you, silence the inner critic, and be gentle with yourself. They encourage mindfulness, they speak to the human in us all, and they provide tools that encourage resiliency. While the exercises in the worksheets push you to 'dig deep', they courage real inner growth.
- Ashleigh, Toronto, ON
Meet Your Instructors
With over 25 years of combined experience, Dr. Julie Beaulac and Dr. Tracy Dalgleish are focused on helping others optimize wellness, live a meaningful life, and cope with a variety of mental health difficulties. They have contributed to international and national conferences and published in both peer-revised journals and book chapters.
While they both spend time in the therapy office providing assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, Dr. Julie and Dr. Tracy are working to bring the tools they teach clients every day more accessible through e-courses.
For more information on your instructors, please visit or